1. Steps for the CAMERA-READY submission
a. Use ONLY the IEEE template for your manuscript.
b. Replace the “XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE” with “978-1-7281-4757-4/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE” at the bottom of the first page of your source file (i.e. Word or LateX files).
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2. Sign the COPYRIGHT for your manuscript
Within the next few hours, your will receive an email by IEEE with a link to the online electronic copyright form (eCF) wizard, as well as a unique login name and password to access your own copyright form(s). When you complete the online copyright transfer process and submit the form, you will receive an automated confirmation email letting you know that the copyright sign has been completed successfully.
If you fail to strictly follow all the above guidelines, IEEE may refuse to index your manuscript in the IEEE Xplore, even though that work may have already been accepted at the SEEDA-CECNSM2019 conference for oral presentation. |